Hey, everyone! Zatanna, here. [After that initial burst of cheer, she continues in a brisk, businesslike tone.] I'll try to make this brief: for those interested in seeing me perform, I've a two-day set with three shows at Magic*Con. It'll be over Labor Day weekend, but I only have performances on Friday and Saturday. The cost of admission is an extra twenty dollars on top of the convention's registration fees and includes a brief meet and greet. Another twenty gets you a professionally taken photograph and an hour long meet and greet over a meal following the show. [She doesn't mention it, but it's a steal! Even with the cost of convention registration it's still less than tickets cost in Las Vegas for her shows.]
Following this, I'll be taking a brief sabbatical and will only be performing here and there with charity shows being the exception to this.
As I've been saying for months now, my contract in Vegas was up in early August. As things currently stand, I will be performing sporadically until late October.
[She sighs quietly, though what's coming should have been obvious since before she even began this conversation.] I haven't needed as many employees as I have for a long while and stage hands are usually provided by the venue. Arthur will remain as my manager and my main assistant will be Buffy. Kara will be around as I see fit. And, for those of you unaware, Bart Allen has unfortunately been ported out, as well.
[She clears her throat; there's an audible swallow. Perhaps even teary sounding.] Anyway, I suck at goodbyes, so... well. I appreciate all of you and what you've done behind the scenes for me. Thank you.
[This part of the post is locked with magic rather than with a proper set of encryptions; it's meant to ping and be visible only to those who use magic. To anyone else, there's nothing here.]
As I mentioned, I'll be performing at Magic*Con, which is located in Massachusetts. I think it's about time all of us magicfolk sat down and had a talk. Anyone that's interested in attending, I'll cover teleportation, registration fees, and rooming.
[She laughs a little sheepishly. Voice option or not, you can practically hear her shrugging up in here.] Sorry this is on such short notice, but the past few months have been a little... uh, crazy in the City for everyone! I'm sure I don't need to tell you guys that, though.