
Aug 07, 2011 14:46

[[ooc: Plain = George, bold = Fred]]

[The video opens to a serious case of shaky-cam, with some bright red blurs and a few quick shots of the inside of a MAC apartment visible as the comm is tugged back and forth. Then the world stabilizes as an unspoken decision is reached and the comm is finally placed on a solid surface. Now the two Weasley twins, identical in every way (down to the clothing) save that one bit of ear missing on George, are grinning into the camera.]

Would you like to start, Georgie?

I believe so, Fred.

Go on then. We’re back in business, should start in with the old sales pitch.

Definitely. [ahem] Attention wizards, witches, and muggles of all shapes and sizes-

We’re here to tell you about the Weasley Wizards Wheezes, the place for all your joke-related-

-and protection related-


Owl- er, post only ordering for the present. And we’ve exciting investment opportunities.

That’s a limited time offer, of course. Get in while the getting’s good, and all of that. Only so many shares available.

With special product discounts available after a certain donation amount. Or to anyone who solemnly swears to use products against one Bellatrix Lestrange-

-or Dolores Umbridge, should she ever show her face in this charming City.

A full list of acceptable discount-acquiring targets available with every fifty galleon purchase or more- [Turns to Fred] Muggle galleon’s?

Muggle coins. Or those bits of paper they use. Harry would know. [ pause ] But regardless fifty’s the number to watch for.

[Nods along] Order now, the last man armed is the first man pranked!

Wise, wise words, George.

A heartfelt sentiment, and part-warning for all.

[Still grinning, the boys reach to turn the camera off- only to have George hold them up at the last moment.]

One last bit of unfinished business now the business business’s set...

[He gives a little wave at the camera]

Hullo, City. For the first time in world history, the complete Weasley twin set is now at your service. Brilliant to be here.

[Fred gives George a quick shove with his shoulder, and the feed is finally ended]

fred weasley | forge, george weasley | gred

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