fourteen. voice.

Jul 01, 2011 23:47

[Katurian is breathing hard, and each of his breaths is audible over the communicator. The inhale. The exhale. Everything is sharp and raw.]

I am scared out of my mind. And I know what you're going to say: Katurian is always scared out of his mind. But not without reason.

I'm thinking it isn't the Porter. The thing that's kidnapping people and erasing their memories. I'm thinking the Porter does a lot of fucked up things, but not this. Not now. Someone mentioned that we're being watched, like, the Network is being watched and tracked and followed, and the Porter doesn't need to monitor us because it already knows fucking everything. Do you know what I mean? It gives us powers that are ironic or fitting in some way because it knows us, it chose us.

Which means someone else is watching us. Maybe other imports. Maybe a group of natural citizens who somehow wormed their way inside, I don't know, I'm inclined to say imports, but anyway, there's a very good chance that this someone else is doing the kidnapping.

HEY YOU! [He breaks into a laugh, not a little hysterically.] We know you're there! We're on to you. You can't kidnap people and then go off and have tea or whatever the fuck you're doing. You need to take some fucking responsibility! I want a speech! I want a declaration of war!

[His breathing slows. Quiets. Beat.]

I've been doing a lot of thinking, and I don't think I can remember last weekend at all.

[An extended pause, and then the communicator clicks off.]

katurian katurian | the pillowman

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