[ there's a fair bit of rustling around in the twenty-odd seconds that airs before kara starts talking. getting comfortable somewhere, it sounds like. ]
I was thinking the other day- [ kara's cut off by a meow in the background and then a small click! and, oh look. dialogue. "-lot out the sun!" "Then we will fight in the shade." ] No! Pause! That
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I can think of one "myth" from home but it's not a very pleasant story.
Anyway, would Biblical stories count? I'm pretty familiar with those.
Those definitely count.
It's kind of a cliche now, but I've always liked the story of David and Goliath. There's something very uplifting about a little guy holding his own against a powerful monster, you know?
Oh, yeah. There's definitely something about the stories where the underdog wins. They always make me want to cheer at the end.
It's the tale of the Spirits of Vengeance. Or the Ghost Riders, as they're more commonly called now. Otherworldly creatures of hellfire and bone who walk around as men and women. Some say they are angels, messengers of God, sent to stop humanity from giving into depravity and sin. To avenge those who can not avenge themselves. Spread across the globe and found throughout time - even now - eternally performing their holy task.
Others would just say they're simply demons. And that we're all lucky a chosen few of them decide to fight for us. Then again... could be a bit of both.
Anyway, I prefer the classics. Much simpler. Plus, like you said, you always know who to root for. And I prefer to place my bets with men, not monsters.
Anyway, what about those Kryptonian myths you were mentioning... ?
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