008 -- voice;

Jun 22, 2011 13:50

[ the feed starts with the spark-click of the lighter and a loud bang. ]

It's shocking, how easy it is to make bomb out of everyday, household objects. Did you know that if you mix equal parts gasoline and frozen orange juice concentrate that you can make napalm? Or if you combine Drano and tinfoil in a bottle you can generate an explosion capable of delivering third degree chemical burns and severing limbs?

In fact, there's a whole bomb-making arsenal just sitting there. Right in your kitchens. Those average, every day products? Bomb parts, just staring you in the face.

[ there's a pause, an exhale, then a short burst of laughter. ]

And this has been your public service announcement for the day, boys and girls. Take note of it.

† tyler durden | n/a

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