Jun 09, 2011 21:02
[ Where ever Onyx is, she's lookin' pretty comfy. All flopped back and sprawled out, dripping laziness. And looking ever so pleased. ]
Just out of curiosity, how many of you have an interest in stopping that troll? "Stopping", in this case, meaning taking into custody, maiming, or killing. [ a quick pause, and then OH RIGHT CLARIFICATION WOULD BE COOL.] The one that looks like a jester, I mean. I'm only wondering because he seems to have more than his share of enemies. Maybe all of you could get together and do something useful. Found an organization, maybe? This plane seems fond of that sort of thing.
Oh, and are there any of you that wish you had protection from him? That would probably be an interesting list too.
[ and then later, after the video cuts out, there's loads and loads of horrible painstaking fiddling with the comm as she figures out how to make a text addendum! go her! ]
jade. if you see this, it would be in your best interests to contact me.
khisanth | onyx