pas de SLAMMIN BACK INTO THE COMM LIKE IT'S 1999 also accidental video

May 09, 2011 13:10

[The camera is on its side, focused on the kitchen of the Jedi Residence. Duck is at the kitchen table, busily applying tin foil and a construction paper cutout that looks oddly like a swan to... a plastic beach bucket. Scattered around her are an assortment of odds and ends: paper plates, a ball of twine, several rolls of tape, even a wooden spoon. She looks blissfully happy, and she's singing to herself in a rather ducklike but not entirely unpleasant voice, to the tune of the opening theme from "The Nutcracker".]

I'm gonna make a suit of armor that's so shiny~ He'll be the cutest knight the city's ever seen~ Doot doot da doo--

[She holds up the beach bucket, looking very proud of herself. There's a rather limp-looking peacock feather taped to it now, but... well, it does look like a serviceable helmet. Or as serviceable as tinfoil gets.]

Hee. He's gonna be so surprised. Now all I have to do is--

[And then she notices the comm, and her eyes go huge as she scrambles for it.]

Waagh--! Fakir, don't look at this post!!


† duck | princess tutu

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