voice; the simulacrum is true

Apr 14, 2011 16:24

[Calm and clinical, the man speaking seems to be doing so primarily to himself, at first.]

4:24 PM Eastern time, what appears to be New York. Resting pulse at roughly 80 beats per minute. Transition of memory seamless. Pupils normal-sized, reaction times typical. I'm not discernibly drugged or delusional, but it would make more overall sense if I were.

Do I abide by what I know to be true and real, or do I play along with these new rules?

[That might be a hint of a smile in his voice.]

I suppose I might as well ask if the hospital with the unfortunate acronym is hiring. I'm not going through the trouble of setting up my own practice again, this time with additional handicaps. "Hello, I'm Dr. Jack West, I just came through from another universe so I don't have any credentials with me, but surely you'd like to sit and tell me all about your problems?"

Although, to be frank, it seems like a lot of you would benefit from a bit of talk, which is why I suppose this network sees so much use. I imagine it would be a high risk situation for both doctor and patient, however. Not something I'm prepared for... but maybe in time.

((I'm not getting notifications, so please be patient with me. :|))

jonathan crane | scarecrow

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