Mar 31, 2011 22:39
-- and in a surprising turn of events, the blows continue to fall on the Norman Osborn Hospital of Psychiatric Evaluation, where early this morning, a delirious woman was found wandering unauthorized on the grounds.
[ The camera shows a pretty young newswoman standing outside the hospital gates, the large old building looming over her. She glances down at her notes before continuing: ]
The woman has since been identified by authorities as Dr. Angelica Einstürzen-- an ImPort, ex-convict, and co-founder of the hospital. Dr. Einstürzen was believed to be deceased after law enforcement agents found her brutally murdered nearly four months ago, also on hospital grounds. However, any attempts to question her have proved ineffective due to her mental state.
Dr. Einstürzen has since been checked in at her own hospital-- [ The newswoman gestures behind herself. ]-- and is now awaiting treatment, following in the steps of fellow founder, Norman Osborn.
† angelica einstürzen | doctor einstürze