Mar 23, 2011 23:04
[Aradia is recording from the same generic MAC apartment she made her Indiana Jones invitation from, but this time the room looks like it's been hit by a hurricane that makes horse puns. The default MAC furniture has been upset and pitched onto the floor, some of it shattered into dinky wooden pieces, there are cracks and impact marks in the walls, and someone appears to have punched a hole in the bathroom door. It is as a whole, one might say, a legendary piece of shit.
The entire video's audio component is punctuated by some extremely STRONG thudding noises in the background, accompanied by the occasional crash. She turns her head just slightly toward a particularly loud one, sounding mildly bored. This has been going on for a while.]
Don't hit the TV.
I am exercising my best efforts in only breaking things that are immaterial to you. Be thankful I am doing this much. Such limitations are inconvenient.
[Aradia nods, then turns back to address the communicator directly, which is just... floating in the air in front of her. Telekinesis sure is great!]
Hello. Is there anyone on this Network who does repairs? An inexpensive outlet for h--apartment furnishings would also be nice to know about. I wouldn't care before, but I think this place is going to be pretty impossible to live in, now that I'm alive.
I also want to speak to some of the mature humans here. Or nonhumans. As long as you're adults, it doesn't really matter. It appears that nobody is willing to give someone of my "age" a paying job, which really is pretty stupid, but I have--
[There is an immense sound of crashing and glass breaking in the background. Her eyes widen. From Equius' unseen rage corner:]
Oh. Gosh flipping fiddlestrings.
[Aradia snaps around.]
What did you do? WHAT DID YOU DO?!
[The comm drops to the ground with a clatter, completely disregarded, AND WE FADE OUT TO THE SOUND OF TROLL RELATIONSHIPS.]
((JUST A NOTE: as Equius' communicator has tragically been crushed via his STRENGTH, he will not be replying to comments left on this post! Unless he happens to overhear something and just... shout over Aradia for a while. Who knows.))
aradia megido | maid of time,
† equius zahhak | heir of void