[ There is a boy. There is a boy with wild, long hair and big golden eyes who's peering into the screen. Not knowing that it is recording, he shakes the communicator a bit, and his hands become a blur as the communicator goes from Voice to Video to Text to Private to Filtered to Video to
Video: Inverted. What is this boy doing? He's trying out every single option, obviously! How else can he learn how to use this thing? It's still in Video: Inverted, by the way. ]
Um, I don't think I'm in Alabama anymore. I -- [ He looks around and - no farmlands or quiet country homes. ] Nope, definitely not Alabama. It kinda looks like New York City, so Alabama should be just around the corner, right?
[ He doesn't know his states, bless him. He doesn't need to, anyway. He'll just search every possible place until he finds it. That's what he just did, by the way (Though he's pretty fast, you might've missed it). Also, freakout in 3, 2 . . . ]
Huh?! Where did Alabama go?! What's with this place? Isthis --isthissomekinda alternate universe? Kangaroos don't rule the government, do they? Grife, how am I gonna get myself an Australian accent??!
[ His train of thought might be a bit difficult to follow. ]
[ ooc: If your character knows Bart but I probably wouldn't know how, would you mind helping me out
here? Thanks! ]