[ video ]

Mar 06, 2011 20:27

[The network feed opens on a girl clutching a cheap astrology magazine and scowling down at its pages. Relevant information: she's wearing a black shirt with a blue Scorpio sign on it.]

Listen up, all you losers. Loooooooosers. That was eight O's, if you can't tell. But you should be able to.

[She traces a finger along the page of the magazine.]

If you were born between October 23rd and November 22nd, I want to know. That means you're cool, all right? So tell me.

[She starts to reach over to hit the button to turn off the device, then stops. Instead, she flips a few pages and frowns at the text.]

One more thing before I drop all of you like you're some disgusting beefgrub that got crammed in my nook. If you were born between April 21st and May 20th? You're lame. So lame. So very lame that if you tried to walk you'd fall flat on your sniffnode, crash through the ground, and get eaten by a hungry wriggler in the brooding caverns. That's all. Bye!

[OOC: Just a reminder--if you haven't filled it out yet and would like to, Vriska's permissions post is here.]

† vriska serket | mindfang

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