Twenty-fifth course [video]

Feb 12, 2011 22:00

[screw All That Jazz, Sanji's in his flat instead, sleeves rolled up and a towel over one shoulder. Obviously in the kitchen, and obviously in the middle of something culinary. The sound of the TV can be heard faintly in the background]

Whew! Almost down to the wire this time. Ahh I don't care about all you naysayers bitching on the network device, I really love this holiday and everything it stands for. I spent most of today perfecting my handmade flavored chocolate truffles, and tomorrow when they're finished I'll be boxing them all up and delivering them to all my favorite ladies~! The love-cook has outdone himself, if I do say so myself. There are dark chocolate mango, raspberry amaretto, creme de minthe, and one with a hint of pineapple rum.

[he pulls over a piece of paper YES HE HAS A LIST SHUT UP]

Oh, boy, I hope I have enough. I may have to make an extra batch tomorrow. Ah, well. Usopp, Zoro, if you touch any of these I'll kill you. These are for the ladies, so I can show them how much I love and appreciate them just for being here to make my life a little brighter. So...oh, hell, I'll just show you the list. The lucky recipients can let me know when and where to deliver them.

[he flashes the paper to the camera for a long enough moment to capture the list: Selina, Diana, Nill, Ysera, Rachel Grey, Yukina, Orihime Inoue, Aphrodite, Annabeth, Haruka, Kara, Jessica Wakefield, Bellatrix Lestrange - all women he considers friends and, as far as he knows, aren't taken. That last part is kinda important]

There. I hope I didn't miss anyone...though I'll make a few extra truffles just in case I happen to meet someone incredible between right now and Monday. Oh! And if anyone is still looking for a place to spend Valentine's Day, All That Jazz has some specials and a fabulous singer performing that night. She's no Dazzler, but she'll spice up the night all the same. Mmm...

[a moment's seriousness] ...a year ago, I had Link around to make cards for the gift boxes. And the lovely Lady Liadrin to receive my gift. So much can change around here, and yet, life still goes on.

[and then, it passes, as he glances over his shoulder in the direction of the TV] ...who the hell bakes salmon roe into cupcakes?!

sanji | mr. prince

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