[video, locked from the Joker and Bellatrix]

Jan 25, 2011 15:09

[Here's everyone's other favorite no-longer-16-year-old wizard, poking at his comm with a grin. He looks much more relaxed than his last post, clean-shaven and well rested.]

Hello, you lot! If you missed it, I was gone and now I'm back, just, obviously, not sixteen anymore. And being twenty-one, I figure I need a job of some kind. That does not involve teaching, because I'd be a crap teacher unless it was transfiguration or something, and I'd probably still be crap even then. Back home I was an auror -- er, I suppose it's a bit like a wizard cop? We basically fought dark wizards and kept things in order. So, what I'm trying to say is how would I get into something like that here? It's the only thing I think I'd be any good at.

[There's a pause.] Anyway, how is everyone? Feel like I've been gone for ages. Also, oi, Luna, let me know when you want to do the flying lessons.

james potter | prongs

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