003 -- accidental video; backdated to the 19th.

Dec 22, 2010 00:51

[ The feed starts off with just the comm rolling over and over until it comes to a stop, facing up at the ceiling. Tyler’s just barely visible; his right arm and hands are in the corner of the frame, and he’s holding an Abraham Lincoln action figure that punches when he squeezes it. Tyler’s giggling to himself as he juggles it from hand to hand.

The Narrator’s voice is tired, cynical, and muffled slightly by a brace over his nose. He’s barely visible in the shot, but it’s obvious that his face is splotched with bruises. He smokes a cigarette.]

You should skin off its clothing with a pocket knife to expose its white plastic underbelly. Color it pink and draw on a dick with magic marker. Nontoxic.

Oh, I don’t know. I kind of like him. He’s got a mean right hook.

[ Tyler squeezes it a few more times, sending the tiny fists jabbing into the air. He’s not giggling anymore, but he still looks amused. The Narrator is unimpressed by this. ]

You should attach Mr. President to our esteemed country’s symbol of freedom, the firecracker, and send him shooting into the night sky, like all those bombs bursting midair.

[ Tyler’s right arm tenses as he flips the doll into the air. His face is barely visible, but what can be seen of his expression looks thoughtful, as if he’s considering the Narrator’s words. He doesn’t say anything, but he does raise the toy in the Narrator’s direction and squeezes it. Miniature fists lash out at the Narrator. Tyler snickers. When the Narrator speaks again, his voice is edged with irritation and impatience. ]

You should really dig a hole in the back of his head for all the brains. I’m sure strawberry jello works wonders.

You’re just full of ideas today, aren’t you?

[ He’s smiling; the side of his face crinkles up with mocking amusement. The Narrator exits the screen with a quiet, frustrated puff between behind his teeth. Tyler starts snickering under his breath, and then jams the toy under his arm so he can light a cigarette as the Narrator’s footsteps fade away. Then Tyler walks out of frame; he can be heard banging around the kitchen as the feed runs and runs until it disconnects itself. ]

ooc | bolded text is the Narrator, who will be tagging this post sporadically.

† tyler durden | n/a, † n/a | the narrator

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