[Calvin is sitting in the Institute’s break room with a mug of cocoa... and a graph set up on an easel behind him, drawn crudely in different-coloured markers]
Hello everyone! I’m Calvin, and I’m here to talk to you all about the wonders of democracy! Democracy is a system of government that operates under the principle of ‘one person, one vote.’ In this case, I’m the person, and it’s my vote. You see, now that I’m back here, I’m going to have to make some hard choices that could affect my life in a lot of ways. Like where I’m going to stay and who’s going to take care of me! And in order to help the electorate make a careful and informed decision in casting his vote, I’ve been polling local six-year-old super geniuses on past, present, and future homes in the City. Here’s what I’ve got so far:
[He sets aside the cocoa, stands up, picks up a pointer stick and starts describing the graph]
See, the vertical part here shows how popular a home’s been, and the horizontal part is time. See, I’ve only been staying at Xavier’s for a couple weeks, which is why its line is so short, and it’s a little bit underneath Harvey because I miss him. Besides, it’s still a school. Um, I also put my home there- my home in my own universe, I mean- for comparison. It’s high up because it’s home and everyone I know is still there, and it’s flat because not much seemed to change back there. It’s not like here where you’re Ported in and everything seems crummy but bit by bit you get used to a new place until it’s like another home, you know? That’s how it was with Harvey, at least.
So who else wants to be included in the poll? [He taps the easel with the stick] C’mon, there isn’t much time until election day, and anyone who takes care of me will automatically get to be included in my biography some day! Look, I drew a line for what the perfect place would look like on the graph so you know what you’re shooting for. Tell me how close your line would be to this one- [tap tap]- and why, and we’ll see what the polls have to say about your chances of getting to have me in your home! Let democracy speak!