CANTO I | sogno della farfalla | (BRIEF) VIDEO/VOICE

Dec 06, 2010 12:53

[For a few minutes, if one peers closely at the video feed---which for some reason is rather staticky---one can see the back of what appears to be a blonde woman, dressed in a rather outlandish gown, standing in the middle of a park.  The video feed falters considerably then, and suddenly, the woman is gone.  There are only golden butterflies in her place.

That's when the video cuts off abruptly, and all you can hear is a woman's sultry, but menacing chuckling.]

My, my, such a big city.  This gameboard is unlike anything I've ever seen; so many places to see, so many things to obtain, so many pieces to play!

[The woman's laugh becomes a bit louder, harsher, more arrogant in tone.  Then comes the sound of people murmuring amongst each other about 'strange butterflies.'  A little girl's voice makes a comment about how 'pretty they are!']

Then let's play a game, shall we? Let's call it...'Whodunit'! Just like in the old mystery novels! Except the goal is not to figure out 'whodunit,' but rather...

[A younger woman's scream suddenly echoes through the voice feed, screaming about horrible monsters hiding in the trees.  More frantic murmuring comes from who sound like passersby, trying to allay the victim in question, and then yells and cries quickly follow a rather sickening stabbing noise.]

...To glorify my name.  Do you all think you're worthy enough to be graced by my presence? If so...catch me if you can!


[ooc: WHAT DO YOU MEAN THIS IS LATE.  Since Beato's currently in Illusion Mode (the golden butterflies), if you choose to have your characters be affected by her illusions, this is how it works: to prevent trolling and fourthwalling, I'll let any taggers decide what hallucinations they see, since Beato's illusions are dependent on her victim's mindset.  Psychics, Soul Reapers, fellow sorcerers, and the supernaturally-inclined can feel free to detect something off about the butterflies, or even resist her illusory abilities.

Also, just to keep things organized, indicate in the subject line whether you're going with video/voice/action/text/etc.  Thanks!  Finally, tags may slow down at times. c:]

† beatrice | the golden witch

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