How about one more boggart before the event ends? (Vidya)

Oct 31, 2010 21:50

[As has become fairly common over the last couple days, the comm switches on as it is knocked to the floor. Though not immediately visible, Sentinel can clearly be heard somewhere offscreen, and he is shrieking like a little girl. The reason why quickly becomes apparent as the clearly terrified Autobot backs into the frame, pursued by one seriouslyRead more... )

† sentinel prime | n/a

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[actiiion] spacetimeprime November 1 2010, 01:56:10 UTC
[heard that scream! cue Vector running down the hall towards the source, Rhisling formed and ready]


[action] theprimerprime November 1 2010, 01:59:46 UTC
[Doesn't even notice Vector's arrival, as he is kind of too busy freaking out.]


[action] spacetimeprime November 1 2010, 03:58:25 UTC
[and so we have Vector coming upon the scene. his reaction is immediate; he lunges forwards, swinging the blade towards the spider's legs. (on the 1/10000 chance it's sentient, he'd like to know how it got here.) to his credit as a swordsmech, it hits, slicing a handful off-]

[-but then its attention is on him, and from a great spider, it changes to a more humanoid form - albeit bulkier, armored, horned, and spiked.]

[the blood promptly drains from Vector's face]



Re: [action] theprimerprime November 1 2010, 16:33:31 UTC
[Sentinel's panic is interrupted by Vector's intervention and the creature's subsequent transformation. Confused and still more than slightly freaked out, he gets to his feet and pulls his lance from subspace.]

What the frag is going on here?!


[action] ping-pong its attention? spacetimeprime November 1 2010, 17:19:13 UTC
[as Vector takes a single step back as the figure rises, one thing keeps him from treating this as he sees it.]

[he was already fooled before. only a month ago. he was panicked, he acted rashly. and that turned out to be...well.] can't be here. This has to be another-!

[also, they're all still alive. so even if he he can /sense/ it, he'd have sensed the entrance, Fallen would have said something, done something to celebrate, this can't /be/-]

[-oh, hi Sentinel]

This has to be a trick!

[said while raising the sword defensively. even if it is one, the boggartnot!Unicron 'feels' powerful to him, and if you'll excuse him he's going to dive upwards to avoid a green blast sent in his direction by it thanks]


Re: [action] shore theprimerprime November 1 2010, 21:23:22 UTC
[Moves to flanking position with Vector, lance ready. He doesn't know Unicron from Adam, as his universe doesn't exactly have one, but he knows what was once a spider is now one seriously badass-looking robot and something is seriously fishy.]

What the Pit is this thing? Some kind of shapeshifter?

[Jabs at it with the lance which diverts its attention and turns it back into a spider, which then hisses at him menacingly. The 'oh shit' expression swiftly returns to Sentinel's face and he takes a step back, but stands his ground.]


[action] technically yours does have Unicron it's just In The Manual. Sorta. spacetimeprime November 1 2010, 21:31:16 UTC
[and with the shapeshift, the edge of feeling he had was gone. this is good, because it takes that edge of fear away and allows him to focus clearly.]

One that takes forms we...dislike.

[putting it mildly. Vector lunges forward to try and take care of it here and now, but his voice caught its attention - spider-turned-Unicron blocks the blade with a forearm, before making to grab the blade itself with a feral grin. Vector darts to the side again, letting the blade disappear out of grasp.]

We may have to attack it as one-!


True, but I get the sense he's not a huge part of their religion like he is in other continuities theprimerprime November 2 2010, 14:15:42 UTC
[Sentinel nods, lance at the ready.]

Got it. We'll attack on your mark.


spacetimeprime November 2 2010, 19:23:54 UTC

[...they have to get it back in spider form. it seemed to do that when it was looking at Sentinel...]

...placement. Sentinel, hold its eyes!

[metaphorically speaking. because now Vector's opened a spacebridge, and slid in to it. this leaves the only one here...]


theprimerprime November 2 2010, 21:26:59 UTC
[And suddenly he's alone with the spider again. Great. It's hard to keep terror from overwhelming him completely as it creeps toward him, but he clings on to the knowledge that Vector is around somewhere, and Vector has a plan.

Vector had better slagging have a plan.]


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