[ the twenty-six ] / [ voice ]

Oct 07, 2010 05:46

I do hate when people go inexplicably quiet for long periods of time. It's so suspicious, isn't it? And naturally everyone simply has to make the same observation simultaneously about said suspicion, as if their remarks are particularly insightful or something equally absurd.


[ encrypted to Ghost, "Yelena", Moonstone and Takaya Sakaki; all on separate encrypted lines ]

Been awhile, hasn't it? Current status report, if you please. [Beat.] Yes darlings, we're on notice for a mission. A mission that is not obligatory, repeat, not obligatory.

Unless you like getting paid, of course, in which I highly recommend reporting in.

[ encrypted to Shiva ]

Why hello. I have a proposition for you.

[ encrypted to Dr. Angelica Einstürzen ]

You're about six months late for my coffee order, Angelica. I do hope you remembered the Splenda.

[ encrypted to Baron Helmut Zemo ]

Good morning, Mr. Zemo. I couldn't help but notice that you're a man of organization.

edward nygma | riddler

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