[voice] filtered away from: Lassiter, Pete, Aaron, Jack, Sheldon, Yusuke, Bond

Oct 02, 2010 00:00

[For what is probably the first time in... well, in ever, Trowa is breathing hard as he speaks over the comms. He's obviously not running right then, though--there's no wind in the mic and no footsteps.]

I can't go back to--[a pause; then, mildly bitter]--I need somewhere to stay.

It's... October 2nd now.

[Doesn't even bother hiding his ( Read more... )

trowa barton | n/a

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Voice; hellcommander October 2 2010, 06:00:49 UTC
Trowa! You're back!


Voice; pacifisted October 2 2010, 06:04:04 UTC
[A little confused by the enthusiasm from this department.]


[It's that football thing, isn't it? Should he say something? Maybe if he apologizes, he won't have to talk about it... nnngh. This is one of those things he usually asks Quatre for help with, but that's not an option at the moment.]


Sorry. For missing practice.


Voice; hellcommander October 2 2010, 06:08:42 UTC
Practice? What are ya--

[he groans]

Wait a minute, you think that's what I'm worried about? You DIED! That's what I was worried about! Jeez, you are such a fuckin' idiot!


Voice; pacifisted October 2 2010, 06:22:23 UTC
[Somewhat at a loss for words--not that this is a particularly difficult time to manage that feat.]


[To hell with it; the night can't get any worse. Or if it can, he at least won't be surprised by it doing so.]


...Bakura said you saw 'me'.


Private; Voice; hellcommander October 2 2010, 07:33:58 UTC
I did. Just once, though, in all the nights I went lookin' for ya. You'd think a giant lion man would be hard to miss.


Private; Voice; pacifisted October 2 2010, 07:45:03 UTC
[Juuuust a little bitter, here.]

I'm good at running away.


Private; Voice; hellcommander October 2 2010, 07:48:21 UTC
[he totally catches that and tries to defuse it with a bit of humor] Apparently! Or I'm not as good at trackin' as I thought.

Eh... Abby's comin' to get you, right?


Private; Voice; pacifisted October 2 2010, 07:52:59 UTC
[Some other night, that comment probably would have gotten a faintly smug grin out of him. As it is, Trowa leaves it alone with an 'Mm'.]

Just for tonight.

I don't... want to put her in more danger than that.

[It'd hurt Jaime if he did. There's enough of that going round right now as it is.]


Private; Voice; hellcommander October 2 2010, 08:10:53 UTC
What do you mean by that?


Private; Voice; pacifisted October 2 2010, 08:20:29 UTC
I killed.


Private; Voice; hellcommander October 2 2010, 08:23:56 UTC
Woah woah woah. Hold up.

Who did you kill? You... didn't mean it, did you? Fuck, man. Were you brainwashed? Please say yes.


Private; Voice; pacifisted October 2 2010, 08:39:52 UTC
Five seconds. That's all I can remember.

[Beginning to sound exhausted, despite having only been back for maybe ten-twenty minutes.]


Private; Voice; hellcommander October 2 2010, 20:20:23 UTC
That could mean.... anything! [he sighs a little] It could mean you were brainwashed or it could mean the Porter ate your memories...

Trowa. If you need a place to stay... I own an apartment complex.


Private; Voice; pacifisted October 2 2010, 20:31:27 UTC
I know.

...It's still my fault.

[Fabric rustling. Shifting his weight while he keeps watch for Abby's approach. He speaks slowly, but he's admitting the facts, at least.]

He... wouldn't have a reason to be there, I guess. Doesn't know you guys too well.

['Tch' sound. The next words out of his mouth are both a question and a warning:]

You'd all be in danger too. If it happened again.


Private; Voice; hellcommander October 2 2010, 20:36:44 UTC
If you were brainwashed, it's not your damn fault, idiot. There's no reason to feel guilty about things you have no control over!

[Hiruma just falls silent to listen, then groans and rolls his eyes, though Trowa wouldn't know about the latter]

Unlike Quatre, I wouldn't be afraid to ask for help if something happened. [Bitterness? Maybe just a little] Besides, who else is better equipped to deal with you!


Private; Voice; pacifisted October 2 2010, 20:39:11 UTC
It's my power!

[The shout is uncharacteristic of him, and he clams up for a bit immediately after, aware of that.]

...Afraid to ask for help?


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