Four - The old man of the air, thoughts thereof.

Sep 24, 2010 00:24

[He isn't in uniform. He wears, instead, a decent suit, a tasteful blue. The jacket isn't on, and the waistcoat is unbuttoned, the tie is loosened, and the shirtsleeves are rolled up. That sort of casual that somebody who wears suits regularly can carry off. He is smoking, a habit that has increased since he arrived here. Partially this is owing to good American cigarettes.]

I have been watching this city, as best I can. It unendingly strange place. [There is a brief chuckle] I cannot begin to understand this place, nor am I attempting to. The rules are different, and for the most part, they seem to rule that reality, as one knew it, is a guideline. Nothing more.

[He shifts position, crossing his legs easily. The eyes, however, are farther away than the room, further away than the people he is speaking to in the camera]

I need to say now that, regardless of this, I hold no grudge for the hostility I have received. I understand. I know who else is here, and all I can do is assure you all that your enemies are my enemies. And I will help fight them, as well as I can. That these monstrosities wear even a modicum of Germanness insults me to my very core. We were not all monsters, but soldiers too.

[He looks at the camera, finally]

I will aim to prove this. I would say this is a declaration of war on the schwein that infect this city, but it is hardly anything that dramatic or unexpected. I have been given power by this place, and I will use it. I have honor to restore.

[There is a tight smile. The wolf will roam free again.]

In the meantime, to the friends I have made here, I offer my thanks and my hopes that I will deal with you more in future.

[Private, to Aaron Grey]

Herr Grey, if you are there - the silence, I take it, indicates a rejection of my offer? And that officer I dealt with when I arrived...I believe her name was Victoria? I require paperwork to get my sidearm back. I do hope she kept it.

[Private and encrypted, to Agatha Heterodyne]

Agatha, I have been relocating to make the use of my power less...problematic. That, and I am working on directing it a little more. My labours have borne some fruit...

[And he pans the camera over, revealing he is on a second level of...somewhere. And parked below him is a shining red airplane - significantly more avanced than the Dr.1 she has previously seen. He turns the camera back]

I am trying to locate some fuel, but at some point in the near future, I hope you can take a look at her.

hans von hammer | enemy ace

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