How do you humans fix yourselves when you are... broken?
When you seem incapable of proper logical thought. None of the conclusions I have come to so far, have proven sufficient enough...
[Mumbles:] He is never coming back, is he...
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Let me guess, you're one of those "Cybertronians" right?
I was going to say... it depends on how you're, ah... "broken." If it's a cut or a bruise, it just takes time to heal. The worse the injury, the longer it takes. If a bone is broken, you need to go to a doctor to set it, and then it'll take a few weeks for it to grow back together.
If you're bleeding, press a cloth to it and hold it firmly till it stops, and if it doesn't stop, you need to go to a doctor.
Ah... "doctors" are our mechanics.
Anything really serious, you need to see a doctor. And actually, I am horrible at first aid, so really, my best advice is talk to a doctor or nurse about it.
And, ah... sometimes things are really bad you can't fix them... the human body's ability to heal itself is pretty amazing but there are things it just can't do.
Hnn. [Static.]
... Correct, I am a Cybertronian. And I have been here for over a year now. I am well aware of how to deal with minor injuries, fractures, and what to do with the more severe injuries. I have suffered enough of them to know. Additionally I am aware that the common term for a medic is "doctor".
And I must mention, I truly do not like your doctors. Barely any of them hold any intellectual value.
Hn, allow me to rephrase. I am glitching, and I am unaware of how to fix it. Aside from likely being somewhat underweight, I am fine physically. Mentally however, this body is causing me trouble. I cannot think completely logical at all times anymore. A certain incident has triggered this, and I do not know what to do.
I... see. I understand you were robots, and you got turned into human beings, right?
I think... I think what you're experiencing isn't a... a "glitch." It's actually proof that you're functioning perfectly normally as a human being. Human beings don't think entirely logically, that only forms one small part of how their brain works. They feel emotions, they imagine things. If human beings only think logically it's a sign that they are... well, broken. It means they're trying to ignore part of how they naturally function and that could actually hurt them in the long run.
Hey, believe me, I've felt some pretty awful emotional pain; nothing hurts more. But I've learned more about myself for it, become better at dealing with things over time--and the pain DOES end. It takes time, but just like healing physical wounds, the pain will fade. I realize that sounds like so much tough luck right now but... ah... [smile] well, it sounds like you've already got a friend to help divert your attention.
...There... there ARE people who help others with their pain when it's too much, but they're called "therapists" and if you don't like the way doctors think, you're probably not going to be impressed by them either.
Who said my attention was diverted? And it does not seem like it will end.
I do not like doctors because they are idiots. Therapists are likely the same. [Or he'd get frustrated with not wanting to talk to them and just shoot at them instead.]
And really... that's often what helps the most is being with someone you can talk about how you feel with. Maybe... maybe it's not logical but I find that talking about how I'm feeling helps me work through the feelings and make myself feel better. So uh, maybe that 'Grimlock' person could hear out what you're going through.
Or the monkey even. [smile]
Unless humans are somehow capable of using those to assist with... feeling better.
Might help.
How could that help? [He's skeptical.]
If you don't know about why lizards need to be warm, I suggest having a chat with your local pet shop or veterinarian.
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