This is Commissioner Elisa Maza. As you know, often in police investigations we not only want, but need the help of the public to make our cases against the criminals of this City. As of right now, if anyone knows anything about the
attack on the Empire State Building, and those involved in the attack, please, come forward and talk to us.
Thank you for your help in making our home a safer place to live.
[ Police Filters ]
What the hell is going on
in our jail?! I need answers and I need them yesterday!
Not to mention that Joker's stirring up trouble again. No one was hurt this time, thanks to a very commendable, very dumb young girl, but he's clearly unstable now that Harley Quinn has been Ported out.
I also want an arrest warrant out for Hajime Saitou.
((ooc: links not IC!))