[ Video ] [ action threads welcome from those on the trip]

Jun 30, 2010 17:50

[ The camera's turned on as Kon gets out of the car, so there's a few seconds of it getting jostled around before it's flipped over to focus on him. ]

Hello City! Okay, we're in Cawker, Kansas, and this...

[ Kon flips the camera back around to the pavilion he's approaching and adjusts the zoom so everything fits into the frame. ]

... is the world's largest ball of twine. So, of course, I had to pull us over for it. Yech, it kinda smells a bit funky. Anyway, I have no idea why anyone would start something like this, or how much all the twine would cost. I do know there's over 7 million feet of it, according to the sign. So here it sits, as the greatest trophy of wasted time known to man.

Dude, I want to waste that much time before I die.

† conner kent | superboy

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