2. Pas de caractere (Video, backdated to the afternoon)

May 27, 2010 22:01

[Duck is sitting by a fountain in Central Park, wearing a t-shirt and shorts that are obviously too big for her; the camera angle makes it clear that the comm is placed on the edge of the fountain a few feet from where she's sitting. She's surrounded by ducks, geese, and swans; a whole passel of ducklings and cygnets are honking and tweeting happily in her lap. She has a very large loaf of bread in her hands and is distributing bits of it among the birds, chatting with them animatedly as she does so.]

Come on, guys, if you all talk at once I won't be able to understand any of you! Howard, don't snatch--and George, stop bullying Mark and Carrie, there's plenty of bread for everybody!

[She breaks off some and tosses it offscreen; part of the flock of adults immediately moves off to squabble over it. She smiles and glances at the comm.]

Boy, the birds here in the park sure seem glad to have somebody to talk to. [a giggle] And they all want to tell me what the best bakery in the City is! Next time I'm gonna have to bring some paper so I can write down all the names.

[She tears off another hunk of bread and tosses it, her expression growing thoughtful.]

You know... there's a lot of new things to learn here, but some things haven't changed from when I was back home. There are still grouchy people, and friendly people...

[Something sad crosses her face for a moment.]

...and people who do cruel things because they're suffering.

[The little fluffballs in her lap start making noise and flapping their stubby little wings as if in protest. Duck brightens up quickly, smiling in genuine delight at their concern.]

No, guys, it's okay. I'm not gonna give up here, either. Just because I've got a lot to learn doesn't mean I won't try!

Oh! Speaking of stuff to learn. I've heard some people talking about a "prom", and I think it's supposed to be a kind of dance. Who's performing?

† duck | princess tutu

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