The Tale of the Princess Out of Reach [video; anon by proxy]

May 26, 2010 11:43

[A blank wall. Or a backdrop. Suddenly, the shadow of a girl with a jaunty ponytail, wearing a short skirt and puff-sleeve blouse, marches into view.]

Extra! Extra!

[And now there are three of them on stage. The complete Kashira Players troupe. The one with the giant hair bow, A-ko, is dressed as a princess and high above the other two, leaning out of a window.]

Oh, won't someone let me out of this tower?

[B-ko, the one with braided pigtails, is dressed as a prince with crown and poofy pants and all. She forms a heroic pose.]

Never fear! I shall use my enchanted rope to reach the top of the tower and set you free!

[And the familiar shadow with the ponytail, C-ko, steps forward as a cackling hunchback witch. She holds up a piece of rope.]

No, you won't! For I have stolen your rope!

[Princess A-ko clasps her hands.]

Oh no!

[B-ko resumes her princely stance.]

Never fear! I shall use my enchanted ladder to reach the top of the tower and set you free!

[Witch C-ko pulls a ladder out of nowhere.]

No, you won't! For I have stolen your ladder!

[Princess A-ko puts a hand to her forehead.]

Oh no!

[B-ko's cape flutters in the breeze.]

Never fear! I shall use my enchanted pogo stick to reach the top of the tower and set you free!

[Witch C-ko is now bouncing on the pogo stick.]

No, you won't! For I have stolen your pogo stick!

[Princess A-ko leans further out the window.]

You horrible witch! Who are you?

[Still bouncing, C-ko pulls off her witch's cloak to reveal a princess' dress.]

Didn't you know? I'm your younger sister!

[Gasp! Horror from Princess A-ko.]

But why would you betray me like this? Are you trying to steal my prince away from me?

[Bounce bounce bounce.]

You can keep the prince for yourself. His toys are much more fun!

[Prince B-ko looks from C-ko to the tower.]

Could you at least give me a boost up?

ooc | As per usual, replies will be few and random.


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