5.1 // did you see what I did there I am so clever *gets out* [video]

May 22, 2010 02:08

[The video clicks on to show a highly unamused green face, although it's a little difficult to read his expression since he doesn't have eyebrows, or the most normal eyes... more like purple lenses, really. Still, it becomes clear that he really is unamused by the tone of his voice when he speaks.]

Since I determined that it would be better to check the archives on this communication network before making myself known, I won't be boring you with the customary confusion and questions about the name of this place and why we're all here.

[He mutters quietly, turning to the side for a moment] Although I could have programmed a better AI in my sleep. What kind of primitive idiot makes something that runs about kidnapping people from other dimensions at its own whim? Really.

[Clearing his throat as if realising that he was saying that aloud and on camera, he turns back to said camera and schools his features, although now he looks just slightly concerned, perhaps - again, it's difficult to tell for sure.] It seems like introducing myself would be advantageous at this juncture, as much as I'm enjoying the solitary life. [Oh, there's a little sarcasm seeping in there.] I am Brainiac 5 of the Legion of Superheroes. While there don't seem to be any other Legionnaires active in the City right now, judging from this network, there are some heroes I recognise from this era. I would appreciate speaking to anyone from Superman's world.

[Especially Superman himself, but that would be awkward to just say over the network geez.]

And of course, I will be offering my assistance where I can. It seems you need it.

† querl dox | brainiac 5

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