ENTRY # 002 || 003; [Voice]

May 11, 2010 19:51

[Heero's communicator, but definitely not Heero's voice.]

-push over here, it turns on. And then everyone can hear you talk. If you talk, anyway. There's another button you can push so they'll see you glaring, since you like doing that better for some reason.

This time you can just deal with voice-only, it's good practice. Say "hi" to the network, Zero.

[Some rustling - the communicator just got thrown at Heero's head across the room]

And you're live, so don't take too long thinking about it.

[There's an awfully long silence, after which there is a very, very clear and definite:]


((OoC: bold is Duo, green is Heero. You can probably guess what happened here... Tags here may get responses from either of the pilots. Enjoy!))

† duo maxwell | shinigami, † heero yuy | zero

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