2/ x = Co-workers suck [video]

Apr 28, 2010 23:48

[The comm flips on, showing an Asian teenager leaning back in a computer chair, holding what appears to be an old TV remote in his hand. Behind him is a stack of files.] Heh, it works. Not bad for about five minutes of tinkering. [He tosses it aside.] Hello, network. We haven't been properly introduced yet because...well, I don't DO proper introductions, but I'm willing to make an exception in this case. I'm Amadeus Cho. You might remember me from news reports showing how I helped the Avengers kick serious butt around the Earth, ooor depending on the world you're from you might just be thinking "Wow, that is a funny name." Either way, it's great to be here. [Pause.] Okay, no, this reality sucks, but it's not-completely-awful to be here at least.

[There's a snort and some mutterings of: "Tinkering with a remote and he thinks he's God's gift to technology. What a tool. And he doesn't 'do' proper introductions? What the heck?? He's no Cap." in the background.]

[Amadeus rolls his eyes.] Would you please keep it down, Kitty? I'm trying to get a post done over here. You can be horribly, obviously jealous of me when I'm not in the middle of something.

I am not jealous! I am the OPPOSITE of jealous! You are just RIDICULOUS! I mean, really. You didn't cure cancer. And if you find this place too noisy, feel free to leave.

[Cho leans forward and stage whispers into the comm.] You'll have to excuse her. She's just peeved because I tore down her awful filing system and put up a way more efficient and less confusing one in its place. I mean, seriously, you should have seen it. Like a paperwork trainwreck.

[Kitty gets up and it looks like she is going to leave but then she walks over to Cho. There is a pause before she phases her hand right through his remote. It sparks and crackles, and then Kitty walks out of the room.]

Hey! [Cho inspects the now useless remote for a second before dropping it and calling out after her.] REALLY mature, Kitty. I didn't know your mutant powers included super pettiness! [He grumbles as he gets up to turn the video off manually.] I am so rerouting all her fansite links to camel porn when I get back home.

† amadeus cho | mastermind excello, † kitty pryde | shadowcat

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