CCTV CHANNEL FOUR NEWS PIECE: APRIL 26, 2010, evening slot

Apr 26, 2010 20:47

[All communicators, yes all of them, universally receive this transmission as it airs. A pretty curious thing, especially if you hadn't left you communicator on. The camera follows a man walking in front of the carved pillars of St. Vincents Hospital. It is dusk. He opens his arms, calmly gesturing to the building. The camera zooms in.]

St. Vincents Hospital. One of many necessary facilities that was struck useless during last night's blackout. Panic and darkness swept the City. Lives were put at risk again. Once again we were reminded that we are in fact prisoners in our own city, our own homes.

Good evening, dear viewers, and welcome to tonight's special edition. I'm Dashiell Gaiman, your humble on-scene correspondent. Tonight we put pressure on our state government to do something, to stop ignoring what's before their noses and do. Something. We are owed answers to last night's black out, an event that ravaged every electronic-dependent contraption. Our technological lives were crippled. Luckily the back up generators for the in-city hospitals kicked in after five--rather than ten--minutes but. [Pause.] That still... Leads to questions. Why had every big generator suffered from what "scientists" are calling a mysterious EMP black out? Why do we even assume an electromagnetic pulse is to blame? We have no proof. Where are these assumptions based? How? We are still living in panic and darkness, albeit the metaphorical kind. Unexplained by our mayor, unknown in cause. We are left to our own assumptions. Were the imPorts involved? It's a question on native citizens' lips. But fact is, we don't know. By all rights, this could not, could not have been a normal EMP. Like the one of last summer, this affected more than a few blocks, but a whole city. Our city. The electrical management for the city grid does not remember what happened. The systems were shut down and no one, no one remembers why. The only testimony given was by a Mr. James Welter, who had told reporters that he passed out just like everyone else had. Simultaneously. Before James Welter lost consciousness, he saw what he later described as. [Pause.] "A pack of moving, dark shadows."

We give our sincerest regards to Mr. James Welter, who is presently checked into Holy Trinity's Hospital for Mental Disturbance and Disorder.

[Another gesture behind as Dash Gaiman looks solemnly at the camera.] There are numerous saints that hold the name Vincent. Numerous. There are many... Questions to the same answer. Many meanings to seemingly mundane things. Who is among us? Who has access to our power? We live in a place ripe with madmen and supposed heroes, and we have adapted. Because we had reason to adapt. What is that reason now? What happens when the next disturbance rolls around? Tell me, viewers imPort and native alike, is this coincidence or concern? Is this the end or... Just the beginning?

It's time to wake up, citizens, and see beyond the shadows. It's time to--

[Feed cuts into static. As this is a broadcast, Mr. Dashiell Gaiman will not be taking calls, but feel free to react regardless.]

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