Apr 24, 2010 00:00
(The feed seems to be coming from a small, totally empty room. Pokey is sitting in what appears to be the middle of it, fiddling with some small device in his hands. When he speaks, it seems more cautious and almost dour, in comparison to his usual childish obnoxiousness)
So I've got a question that's been bothering me since about last night. See, I kinda always thought I had things figured out by now, which I guess was a little foolish considering I'm supposedly so young, but it's odd kinda seeing a lot of what I thought...outright challenged. But that's not necessarily what I want to talk about right now. So I got a weird question for all of you:
What do you think the purpose of life is? For you on a personal scale, at the very least. On top of this, does life have an inherent purpose, or do we create purpose for ourselves? Are we defined by purpose, or do we define it? I kinda used to think I knew, but now? I'm not totally sure.
By the way, there's this pretty good Indian place I found. They have a lunch buffet, and some pretty good lamb curry.
[Filtered to Awesome Force; Encrypted]
Hey. I want to thank you guys for letting me crash at your base for the last two weeks, but I simply can't do that anymore. See, I have a bunch of work I'm doing for people, so I need a space of my own so I won't clutter the base with crap. I had enough money, so I bought a small place for myself to turn into a lab, which is where I'll be living from now on.
Which isn't to say I'll be abandoning you guys entirely. You'll still probably see me coming around occasionally, and if you could, leave me in on your information feeds, since I might be able to help with any problems.
Also, since I'll have so much delicate junk in my lab? Could you guys keep Rex at Base? I'd appreciate it.
[Filtered to Hit-Girl]
I've secured a safe house for when we're ready to start this. It's bigger than I intended to get since I intend to make it my lab as well, and that I'll be living here. Just tell me when you're ready to start this crap, and I'll send you the location of the safe house.
[Filtered to Doctor Drakken]
Hey Doc, you still with us, or did the vampires get ya'?
† pokey minch | the voyager