
Mar 17, 2010 22:40

[The feed opens with the noise of the comm being slammed against something metal; there's a reverberating noise that follows, and followed by repeated gunshots. When he jerks his hand back, Takaya's visible and snatching stray bullets from where he slapped them down beside the comm, casually and quickly reloading his gun with what he has - four more bullets. He's not looking at the comm, but apparently noticed it's on because he begins to narrate, glancing up now and again off screen.]

My, things change rather rapidly in this city, do they not? One week ago I was drowning in boredom.

[He finishes reloading and fires decisively - once, twice. Something collapses off screen with a loud thud, but there's still the noise of an approaching zombie. Takaya concentrates, aims, and fires again. Another thud.]

This week, apocalypse. I'm rather enjoying mysel-

[His expression changes dramatically, from exhilaration to confusion, then frustration. A feminine scream off camera interrupts him and he marches forward, grabbing at the comm's general area for more bullets and coming up empty. He seems unperturbed, stalking forward predatorily and spinning the comm by accident. A teenaged girl has dashed into his particular alley with a zombie on her tail, but froze in terror right in his line of fire all for looking back at it. Takaya lunges, grabbing her oh-so-gentlemanly by the hair, jerking her back behind him. He fires at point-blank range into the zombie's face, and really doesn't blink as he's splattered with gore, coating half of his face and pretty much ruining his hair. He kicks the headless corpse back onto the pavement and reloads his gun quietly, and then glances with frustration at the girl clinging to his arm and sobbing thanks into his shoulder. He sweeps her aside roughly and suckerpunches a zombie that had come up from the other side of the alley. She tries to grab him again, but he shrugs her off.]

You will do nothing but hinder me. Locate shelter and remain there, and do not make yourself an obstacle to me. I will have no qualms with killing you, if it is mandated and will ensure my own survival.

[He leaves her there without a second glance, grabbing the comm in a bloody hand as he goes and shoving it in his jeans pocket. He speaks loud enough to be heard, however.]

Would any like to join me in sport? I'm feeling rather...

[There's a pause in his speech, a wince of pain, and an explosion-y sound, accompanied by the noise of something burning and slumping to the ground.]


† takaya sakaki | son of nyx

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