third butterfly [video]

Mar 03, 2010 21:38

[This time she is not lounging on a chair, but seated on the bed, leaning against the backboard, a mug of tea in her hands. Her hair is done in the usual style, but the observant could tell very well that it's a little messier than the last two times she posted.]

It seems that the people here have been going through some very interesting changes as of late. Becoming younger, older, even changing into someone so different they seem to be the same person in name only. By far, the most interesting thing about these changes is how varied they are. Perhaps if everyone was made younger, or made older, it would make a little more sense, but the way it's being done now it just seems so arbitrary. I suppose that's what the thing running this place likes.

Speaking of that thing, or, the 'porter', as I've heard it called, I wonder what it, or she, really wants? From what I've seen her goal seems to be to cause as much trouble as possible. An admirably entertaining purpose, surely, but if that's all she wants, with as much power as she seems to have, I admit I am sorely disappointed.

I don't suppose any of you know anything further, do you?

† beatrice | the golden witch

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