dos [video]

Feb 23, 2010 14:15

[ The comm clicks on to give the network their first real look at Angelo, in all his grey glory. He's seated in the living room of Jono's apartment, the owner of said location sitting in a chair to the side, just a bit behind Angelo, but he's leaning forward to look at the comm with interest. Aww, boy from the nineties isn't used to such fancy technology! Isn't it cute?

Jonothon Starsmore's nineties incarnation isn't just technologically impaired: he's impaired in the face. And no, that's not a joke. He's bandaged from nose to navel, but there are a few spots where the bandages don't quite cover - being brought in from the middle of a skirmish is hell on the wardrobe - and there is light spilling out from between them, billowing slightly when he moves. ]

So I don't have access to the proper channel, but here's a message to the police force: Starsmore's not going to be in for a little while. He's not himself, should we say, what with his regression to the amazing no-mouth--

[ That gets him a glare, and Jono folds his arms over his chest and sits back in his chair, looking away sulkily. His eyes go a little bit blank, and it's clear to anyone who knows telepaths that Jono's muttering at Ange, something that makes the grey mutant grin wider, not that anyone else can hear it. ]

--so I just thought I'd let you know. Hey, vato, mi casa es su casa, and vise-versa. Besides, I know where the keys are and you don't. You wanna see how this thing works or not?

[ And Jono sits up again reluctantly, his eyes narrowed at Angelo, but he ends up looking at the screen with some curiosity not quite masked by his scowl. ]

[PRIVATE to Monet and Paige]

You two alright? Do we have two chiquitas running around or just one Monet?

And if you've got the time, methinks we need to keep Señor Broody here better occupied. We could all use a break. I'm thinkin' there should be pizza, Sugar Bombs and movies with copious amounts of fake gushing blood. You free anytime soon?


Anyone in this City got a suggestion for a movie where the majority of the cast is young, beautiful and stupid and ends up with most of their limbs hacked off? Something as good as Texas Chainsaw Massacre but less twisted than The Hills Have Eyes. Good ol' fashioned gore, gringos. Help a man out?

† angelo espinosa | skin, † jonothon starsmore | chamber

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