[Liadrin clears her throat before speaking, remorse clearly projected in her eyes. Still, she maintains all the composure she is required to possess as a Matriarch and leader and presses on.]
The Light teaches its followers many things; we learn compassion from its healing, we learn strength from the will required to wield it, we learn faith from its ability to breathe life into what is lost, and most importantly, we learn forgiveness, for the Light always returns to help us stand, no matter what our crimes may be.
I know that I am about to ask a great deal of the people of this city. I know that some will not be able to honor that request. But before I ask more of you, I feel that I owe you an explanation.
My people, the Sin'dorei, are a race enslaved to magic. It is not just a tool for us, it is a necessity. From the moment of our birth we need to drink of its energies to survive. There is no choice, no cure, no freedom. To abstain from feeding on magic weakens us, causing unfathomable pain as time passes and places us at risk for becoming one of the Wretched-- nothing more than insane husks that can no longer feel anything but a driving, insatiable hunger. They feed until they die; either naturally or by merciful execution.
This world, however, has almost no magic contained within it. I could not bring myself to incite fear among its inhabitants, not when I felt so drawn to protecting them. I kept my needs secret, I refused to siphon from another living being, and in doing so only exacerbated the situation. When at last I had no choice left but to feed the urgency was too great. I severely wounded the Lady Jaina Proudmoore and found myself drunk on the stolen energies. I was cut off from my own emotions and could do nothing to remedy it.
My senses have returned, and I deeply lament what I have both done and said while under its effects. Koltira, you of all people know that I loved and respected Blue. His loss is-- it is a tragedy that cannot ever be forgiven. I am so sorry that I could not be there for you when you needed me.
Lady Proudmoore, Warchief Thrall, I know of nothing that I could say to make up for what I did, but I ask for your forgiveness all the same.
To all those watching this, I beg your forgiveness for the deceit; if you cannot find the mercy to pardon me or accept me for what I am, I understand. But it will not stop me. I have sworn to serve the Light and protect this City and I shall continue to do so.
[ooc: She is referring to
this incident with Jaina, which led to
this and all craziness that followed thanks to her madness. It's all gone now, leaving her addiction temporarily satisfied and her sanity intact once again. Also, god, Liadrin, so much TL;DR.]