{ 002 } video;

Jan 26, 2010 17:52

[ the view jostles a little as River directs it upward toward the sky, zooming in as far as she can go. Which, granted, is not very far, but the Big Dipper is in the shot as well as the Little Dipper; she's aiming for a close-up of Polaris. The view is relatively steady save for the occasional tremor when the wind picks up. ]

Polaris. The North Star, at the tip of the bear cub's tail. Never seen it before being delivered here. There are lots of stories though; heard most of them before bed, once upon a time. Legends of Earth-that-was and the constant shining star that guided the wayward back home. Lost souls looking to the night skies for a steady presence to show them the right way.

But it's only a star. A mass of primarily hydrogen and helium gases held together by gravity, giving off energy as it consumes its own core. The light we see is a by-product of its self-cannibalism from hundred of years ago.

It doesn't know the way back home.

[ silence for a minute as she just looks at them ]

They're still pretty.

[ the camera is visibly shaking now as her shivering grows worse. There's the sound of a door opening off-camera, and the view drops a bit to show that River's on some rooftop or other as River herself turns to look at whomever's just joined her. A feminine voice, eerily similar to her own actually although the tone is quite different, says something inaudible and then the camera clicks off. ]

note for selina; left in the safehouse;
[ handwritten and left somewhere relatively visible. beside it is a copy of Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds; she can take it how she will, but it's meant as a, albeit entirely useless by now, warning.]
Thank you.

She's going to try to expand her definitions. Don't know if the half can be whole on its own, but it's better than waiting for the machine to do it. She appreciates everything you offered and wants you to stay safe.

[ not signed, but it's not really necessary is it? ]

[ooc; Voice at the end is Cameron's, if anyone want to recognize it. LB, couldn't find you online; I've run it by Theo, but if the warning is not kosher, please let me know!

Oh right, context, lol. River's living with Cameron now after this meeting. Should be interesting, to say the least. XD]

† river tam | albatross

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