Jan 15, 2010 12:54
Allow me a question on the importance of your umwelt, "heroes".
The umwelt can be roughly translated as a "self-centered world". A dog and a man both live in the same house, the same space, but they have umwelten which only barely converge; the man sees his finest pair of loafers as the money that went into them, the fit on his feet, the way the heel rubs against the skin of his Achilles tendon just so.
The dog sees leather. Cow's skin. Something to sink his teeth into and chew upon incessantly. In the dog's umwelt, the shoe is a treat, something to pull the tartar from the gums and strengthen the jaws. In the man's, the shoe is a prized possession and the product of paychecks spent to visually climb some imagined social ladder. The differences in umwelten, when the points diverge from a semiosphere, is what gets a dog beaten.
I will not bore you in drawing any further parallels. I will not bore myself by asking you what you see in this surreal environment.
But, a question still stands. Whose umwelt is superior? The man's or the dog's?
Thrill me with your acumen, or just your thoughts on the behavioral sciences. I'll keep my own opinions on the subject to a murmur.
† hannibal lecter | lloyd fell