puppy comes into view, playing with a ball around Kitty's living room and getting white fur everywhere. This dog may look familiar to some. Kitty pops in front of the camera after that-- it looks like she was attempting to knit and has a lot of cuts on her fingers from stabbing herself. She's not the best at this creative stuff.
Also, weirdly enough, she's wearing a jacket and scarf.]
So, I've taken temporary custody of K'uma, Megan's dog, since she's apparently too busy being crazy to take care of him. Titans, if you miss him, feel free to come over and play. This guy has endless energy.
Chanukah is done and over with and I received a plethora of presents from my adoring boyfriend including a dog whistle. I'm not sure if he wants me to use it on K'uma or on him. [There's definitely some chuckling at that.]
Oh yeah. And my heat isn't working. It's FREEZING in here!