[The Lich King has found his own place to settle. What can be seen in the background is that of an old abandoned church, cobwebs in all the corners, pews starting to rot away. It's the perfect place for the King of undeath to make his base. What may be most striking about this video is not the scenery, but what is swarming around in said scenery. Around ten
ghouls shuffling around. Unlike the standard concept of a ghoul, these ones move fast, and one of two show some sign of intelligence in there somewhere. The most obvious part is the fact they're completely enthralled by the Lich King. They would, and will, die for him.]
This has been mentioned before, though I doubt word got out very far. I will not take this place lightly. I will continue to do here as I did back home. All living things will end. Use your technology, and spread the word by all means. Koltira Deathweaver has been allowed to live as means of a message alone.