2nd feed | voice

Dec 06, 2009 19:08

Wanderin' around the City's fun 'n all. But y'know what I realized, now that I c'n actually move an' walk around, I'm gettin' miiiiighty bored of th' same ol' same ol'.

I can't complain 'bout the food, though. That's the only good thang 'bout this place I like. An' aaaaall the friendly ladies who helped ol' Twoey out durin' my time of need.

[have a dark chuckle]

Anyone know what I c'n do to get out of th' monotony of human life? 'cause maaaaaan y'all jus' loooove havin' schedules. I wanna break outta that.

...an' are there any nice flower shops 'round here? I'm curious.

Actually no, are there any shitty flower shops in this here City. 'cause I think I c'n help 'em out. I need somethang t' keep me busy.

† audrey ii | mean green mother

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