uno. returning. [ voice ]

Nov 10, 2009 19:20

[ it sounds like she has the comm mic a little too close to her mouth ]


[ her voice may be a bit loud, static-y and somewhat distressed ]

I'm not actually sure what is going on. I've been here before I think but I somehow managed to make it home. Why am I back here again?

I get the whole need for heroes, that didn't seem to change since I've left, but the fact that we're still being taken from other places, I -- there has to be other ways to get the help this City needs. This just doesn't seem right.

[ a deep breath ]

This is Terra. I don't know if anyone will remember me or if the people who were even here when I was are still around but... [ she pauses for a moment ]

I am here to help.

† atlee | terra

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