-verb (used with object)
1. to wish or long for; crave; want.
2. to express a wish to obtain; ask for; request: The mayor desires your presence at the next meeting.
-noun3. a longing or craving, as for something that brings satisfaction or enjoyment: a desire for fame
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[ A beat. ]
Have you had yours met yet, Cameron?
Yes. No.
John was ported out of the City. It is affecting my ability to...
[ A laugh. ]
It is affecting my ability.
[ A bit warily: ] But perhaps it's for the best.
It will take time to adjust. I keep falling asleep.
You should take the opportunity to discover what that means, Cameron.
Do you know one of the reasons we are friends, Nigel, is that I would like to be able to deal with my emotions the way that you do?
[ A beat. ]
And how exactly do I deal with them -- from your perspective?
[ The rustle of blankets. ]
You do not allow things to trouble you, that I have observed. You are efficient.
It's your turn to be selfish, Cameron. Do you understand?
[ A kind of shrugging noise. ]
I don't like uselessness.
I understand. Do you understand that there was a time that was impossible? I have been selfish once this week and I am still uncertain if it was the best idea. It will be difficult.
[ Tiny laugh. ]
Neither do I.
Yes, I understand, Cameron. These sorts of things don't come easily; they take time and patience and dedication to learn and get right.
Just as long as you remain diligent. I know you can.
[ A pause. ]
Will you assist me in this?
[ A long pause, and then lowly: ]
Of course, Cameron. We're friends after all, aren't we?
I suspect that it is a little different for Kyle. He was going to die, back home, so he doesn't view his life on a scale of mistakes and accomplishments. He only wishes to assist with that which he views as needing the assistance, I believe.
It is all right. I don't mind it.
[ Another light laugh. ]
We are friends, yes.
[ Clears his throat, his voice gaining the slightest edge. ]
I'm sorry that I wasn't able to see you yesterday, like we'd planned. Something unexpected came up.
[ A curious tone. ]
And you are well, I take it?
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