There is nothing like an impromptu trip back home to really restore your outlook on life! I feel great.
Now what's this I hear about waging war on the West? Really, I feel left out! Hope it's not too late to join the fun.
Henry! How's the store holding up? You made sure to give Kevin his chips while I was away, right?
Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner, Starscream. I was out on a little Cybertron-Style shopping spree. The Elite Guard had plenty of spare parts that I doubt they'll miss. Care to take a look before we hustle off out west?
Also, what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?
Oh, everyone else can get a look at the parts I picked up. Decepticon Discount! Buy two, get one half-off! Especially you, Blackarachnia, I think I've got some transwarp components, and if my memory banks aren't lying, you might be interested in those.
Interested in some genuine Cybertronian tech? Half-price, seeing as it WAS originally the Elite Guard's.