All Police Channels + Superhero Liaison Channel

Aug 10, 2009 11:45

Listen up, people. Keep this under your hats. We've got the best shot we've ever had to bag that psycho kid-killer Angelica Einstellsehn.

One of her goons is going to try to meet this Bakura kid, and he's not gonna find him. We know where and when this is supposed to go down. So when he gets bored and heads back home to mama, we're gonna be hot on his tail.

Mary Marvel, I think you're the fastest person on the Force, so we're gonna need your eagle eye to keep an eye on whatever freak she sends. And we might have to put in clothes that aren't bright white to do it.

I'm looping the supers in on this shit, too, because we don't know the extent of her shit, and I'd love to have a SWAT team of capes to call on for backup. Let's get this done, because this bitch needs to go down and go down HARD.

[Private to Death of the Endless]

I think I'm gonna need to call in that favor - if you can deal with her damn zombie army, we might have a shot at finally notching something in the win column.

[ooc: Will the new super-prison be up and running PDQ? If it's this week, Angelica's player might actually let us nab her and toss her in prison - which will be a great start for making the prison a cool RPable place in and of itself! Let me know!

dogabuse - you mind letting us know what cops are allowed know about Angelica's powers and what-not? Maybe a refresher on what we know about Giovanni and Magato, too - I think we captured Magato once, didn't we? I know Heine gave us some info, I think... gah, so hard to keep everything straight...]

† john mcclane | n/a

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