I got a few old "neen art" stuff to show you that I made long ago.
Most of them are in bmp and I am too lazy to convert and I am multitasking so it's only one you can see in it's original size. Nevermind that they aren't big on details anway. I've been thinking about making more art on the computer. I feel inspired by the art of Stanley, Pete and Karl. Love your stuff guys. They rule. Of course, I love all kinds of Neen art because it is neat. Often very individual.
EXTRA EXTRA!!! A person I know who wants to be known as Est-L made a "failed remix" with samplings from my album "Failed Design". Get the remix
here. I think he is in the making of another remix so check back perhaps?
http://www.jazzfm.com/ Introducing more jazz to my life. I love it and I am searching for stuff in that realm whatever I might find. Shooby Taylor is quite good alongside with John Zorn, Zappa, Eugene Chadbourne, Branford Marsalis and a few others I have only been tipped about yet.
http://www.citizensrequired.com/unit/site/index.shtml Join Kind Danny's micronation Lovely!
I saw the show when it ran on Swedish television. He make this "get your own property" seem so fun. I do also want to be some kind of king. It would be fun to do as a preformance at my school. I proclaim myself as a king, make people join my country and let them occupy the café. That really would be something.
What else? I am tired of school. Only a few days left now.... Tomorrow, monday and tuesday. But I want it to be over now. Sort of.
I have started on another album. Did I tell you already? But this album will be interesting to make. I will make a few tracks during june and july and then I go off to work in late july and early august. Then it will be France trip with people in my class(Please give some tips of things to see in Paris) and the album will be finished sometime in autumn/early winter. Then I might get onto another one-man project while waiting the time to go for me to start on a new Don Claude album next year.
Also, a few other projects are planned to be worked on:
Rusty Toolkit needs a new album.
A noise/collage/japanese folk/grindcore project needs to be started on(This one with a help from a friend).
Garage/free imrovisation/collage album needs to be started on. Planned to be finished now in June. Editing is the final thing to do.
Been planning to do a sort of "Radio/Sound Theater", calling it "Soundcasts" that I will feature on my blogs. Wanna participate with spoken words? Just ask me or just send something to my gmail: dr.grogg(at)gmail.com. I will just cut it up to make it sound different. The more particpants the more fun. Yet this is only an idea.
That would be "alles".