Aug 08, 2005 22:41
And now Azia presents an open letter to the people who watched the guy steal her phone, makeup, wallet and money:
...What the hell were you thinking!?! You should have known it wasn't his/her purse!! Did you think maybe it was one of those things where it was left especially for him? I came in and dropped it off! You KNEW it wasn't his stuff he was most likely emptying out into a burlap sack labelled "Spoils". Why didn't you say something? Why didn't you grab him and say "Hey! Don't do that. That could be Azia's bag! We love her!"
You human piece of apathy!
What, did you think he'd come back for the purse later? Just left to go to the bathroom and never came back? You should have complained! This was a children's film! What kind of person that goes to a children's film would allow such an act of violence!?