Sep 15, 2004 15:48
So we all know that the media blows the big one. But in my house its magnified by about 20. Why is this you ask? It is because my mom is quite naive when it comes to believing what the shitfucks at the Boston Globe and Metrowest Daily like to put on their headlines. Now, don't get me wrong, its good to be aware, but its really annoying to be over-cautious. With that said, lets take a look at some recent headlines... "2 1/2 year old run over by lawnmower" and "tot falls out 4th story window." Now, i know that there are some people who love to wake up and drink their coffee while reading about how a little kid was chopped to pieces by a lawnmower blade, but i'm not one of them. Not to say i don't read this and feel kind of sad for the father who didn't know that he was running over his kid, but it royally pisses me off that it has to be publicized and exploited. The newspapers have become one bigass obituary, and i know you've heard it a million times but today it got to me. It got to me because my mom read this article, about the young'n being chopped up by the Deere. Now, you may or may not know that i mow my lawn, with a Deere. Now nothing runs like a Deere, but ours is pretty damn slow; 3-4 mph MAX. And on top of that, we don't have bags in the back, so when i'm backing up i can see whats directly behind me. So lets compare me and this guy...
Me: no bags
Son-killer: bags
Me: 21/21 vision with contacts
Son-killer: N/A
Me: 4 year old brother (can run and is scared of the lawnmower)
Son-killer: had a 2 1/2 year old (maybe not even walking yet)
So we have our differences. I'm not saying there isn't a possibility of me running over my brother, but he is scared shitless of loud things that move. While i'm mowing, he is usually situated at some point inside the house where he can wave to me (and i can wave back).
BUT! I do wear headphones with noise cancelling when i mow. However, the mower is really loud, so if someone is yelling at me i can't hear them anyways. But my mom decides that i can't mow with my headphones on, and mowing while listening to music is usually the highlight of my working weekend. So i'm kinda pissed, but there's nothing i can do about it, so whatever. But i hope Al-Taliban decides to blow up the boston globe's headquarters (except sports) so they can't run their "your kid can die playing on a swingset" stories into my life.
Music: same