Shopping for a new computer

Mar 29, 2010 19:42

My monitor decided to make a smelly burny stench the other day, and then started to change colour. I'm going to have to try to find a free temporary monitor to get me by for a bit, but I'm going to switch out from a desktop to a laptop sometime this year. So I started pricing/comparing. I can't afford anything above probably $900 (well, I can't really afford this at all but I'll have to put out some money). I know everyone has their own personal experiences with different brands, so I wondered if there was anything approaching a consensus for what I should get.

I'm looking for specs around the following: 4MB RAM at the lowest; will take 320 GB hd if I have to but would rather have 500; need a cd or dvd drive of some kind, even if it's external. Don't want a netbook. Would prefer 15" or bigger for the screen.

Right now I have a Sony Vaio and it's been pretty good overall. I'd certainly consider another as a laptop, but they are a bit more expensive than the Toshibas and the HPs.

Poll Com-pew-ter
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