subjects go here

May 23, 2005 22:58

The normal agents of summer boredom are already slowly grinding into my life; im out of computer games, and nearly out of anime. Good for productivity.

Went to a mindless self indulgence concert last saturday. To those unaware, mindless is a very indie punk rock group. Was a pretty crazy performance, and made me want to go to more concerts around the cities. Im taking it as a sign that, deep down, i really wish my eardrums ill. Fortunately, concert tickets dont often fall into my lap and i dont frequent any venues where i might hear about them, so i expect i'll be keeping my hearing and my money.

Roommate colin showed up sunday night completely trashed, and was a little more openmouthed than he normally is, discussing that fight from six months ago that has kept megan out of the apartment since. *Laugh* Yeah, people arent mean, just silly and petty and confused. Were i a great, noble, driven person, I'd go become an apostle of understanding and sympathy in the world. But i lack in one or two of those departments, so i'll content myself with the role of armchair beacon of wisdom. yeah, go me
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