Mar 05, 2007 23:42
so, i'm turning 20 in a week. no more teenage years. teenage years, i salute you for all the awesomeness, utter stupidity, hardships, joys, unadulterated energy, general craziness and rock that i both endured and enjoyed during you. i'll do my best to not grow up so much that i forget your impact on my life. see you around 13-19.
i love the smashing pumpkins.
i also love dawson's creek. me and blaine just got through season 2 and it looks like joey has professed an undying hatred for dawson for the remainder of her stay in capeside cause he convinced her to turn her dad in for dealing drugs again. season 3, here we come. yeah, we like dawson's creek. go ahead and call us gay, but remember we aren't the ones making out with guys......fag...s....
by the way, if anyone who knows how the show ends tells me how it ends, i will come to your house and kill you with a brick in some form or another. don't do it.
i wrote a song today called, "Amanda Lowe and California Mountain Cities". it took me an hour to write it but i really liked how it turned out. i hope i get to show it to her. i'm going to new york with my family for spring break so i think i might get to go see her. i really miss that girl.
tonight i went to robert's house for bible study/let's ask some really crazy questions and discuss them night. i love monday's at robert's. we ask these crazy philosophical questions about determinism and church splits and what's best is we can all talk about it without getting all mad and agenda-ized and step on each other's toes. i think it's really cool when you can take some big publicized issue like christianity vs. evolution and say, "if interspecies (as opposed to intra-species) evolution is true, i really don't care. it's not going to shake my faith". we can talk about that stuff and have an unpopular opinion and not get dirty looks and crap. i just realized i'm really tired and probably am not making any sense at this point.....
i want a clean slate on relationships crap.
i want to erase everyone that i've considered dating in the past year from that category (that category being people i've been interested in in the past year).
i want no one on that list. i don't want anyone on the current list. i don't want a list right now. when i do have that list, i hope it's just one person long.
basically, blah blah blah, relationships wahh wahhh wahhh, balhafdlk
*love for life-happy-energetic-clear headed-metal coleman slaps whiny-depressed-aww man, relationships are such a drag man. i mean, totally dude-perpetually stupid coleman in face with brick glove*
patience. trust. deep freaking breath. sorry Lord. i forgot again.. keep breathing.
the meantime ain't too shabby in all actuality.
i haven't said this in a while, but i love you all. anyone who reads my mostly boring journals or anyone who doesn't, i love you. without you, life wouldn't make much sense.